What is Foam Roofing?

We've had a few customers recently tell us about their installations on Foam Roofing. Always being the curious type, and having relatively little experience with the material, I decided it would be fitting to write up an article on it!

Perhaps you've installed solar on this type of roof, or you're interested in expanding. Maybe you're a roofer who just wants to add this type of roofing to your arsenal. Whoever you are, I'll share my research findings below on the foam roofs we've been hearing all about.

How Are Tile Roof Hooks Made?

Many of you interact with solar mounting roof hooks on a regular basis, perhaps you're an installer, an engineer, a designer, or maybe even a homeowner curious about the process. Of all the different roof hooks available on the market today for installers to choose from, the Tile Hook is one of the most common.


How to Save Your Time and Money While Simplifying Solar Installations

With the COVID Pandemic in full force, more small businesses are shutting down than ever before. That’s why it’s especially important to cut costs where you can for your business and increase your income in the process.

Solar installation involves so many different moving parts - racking, panels, electrical, mounting, the roofing materials, and not to mention the actual costs of running a business! As solar becomes more popular it will only get more complicated, and your job would be a lot easier if it were simpler right?